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 Year   State       Region   Underground   Strip, Tons   Auger, Tons   Culm, Tons   Dredge, Tons   Total, Tons   Total Jobs 
 2009   WV   Central Appalachia   49,027,097   52,759,275   2,011,600   66,890   0   103,864,862   16,966 
 2010   WV   Central Appalachia   48,539,768   47,646,579   2,289,101   86,771   0   98,562,219   16,620.25 
 2011   WV   Central Appalachia   46,167,346   47,849,368   1,939,919   63,592   0   96,020,225   18,220.50 
 2012   WV   Central Appalachia   42,302,987   37,939,045   1,183,055   23,795   0   81,448,882   17,093.25 

SELECT YEAR AS Year , cr_State_Abbr AS State_name , cr_usgs_region AS coal_purchases_region , sum(TONS01) AS Underground , sum(TONS03) AS Strip , sum(TONS04) AS Auger , sum(TONS05) AS Culm , sum(TONS06) AS Dredge , sum(TOTPROD) AS Total , if ( year=2024, sum(AVENEMP)/(select count(distinct Quarter) from osc_production where year=2024) , sum(AVENEMP)/4 ) AS "Total_Jobs" FROM osc_production WHERE YEAR BETWEEN "2009" AND "2012" AND cr_State_Abbr LIKE "WV" AND cr_usgs_region LIKE "Central Appalachia" GROUP BY YEAR , cr_State_Abbr , cr_usgs_region ORDER BY Year LIMIT 1000;